I am going to take you on a journey that will awaken your soul and inspire you to step into your own power. The power to heal, transform or bring to fruition that long term dream that's been dangling in the corner of your mind. Change is growth, it is uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful. Facing and sitting with pain is the only way to grow and heal. When you face pain and overcome it, you can use it for fuel to activate and energize the power you have always held within you. The power to transform and create the kind of life you have always wanted. We are born of creation and we are by birthright all creators. Manifestation, or more simply, creation, is having a vision and taking the necessary steps to bring the vision to life. Remembering this power is the destination.
We are all a result of our programming - all unique in our biological and physiologic make-up with a "computer program" installed that is continuously updated throughout our lives. From the genetic make up in the womb, including ancestral influences, we then get "uploaded" into the real world through our unique birthing experiences, which can also be a traumatic experience. We then have the influences of our mothers and fathers at birth (or lack thereof) and all different parental experiences. We are influenced by our siblings, our schools, our friends, and society. Since the evolution of the entertainment business, from early "newspapers in the 1800's" to the explosion of social media and Hollywood, much of our individual programming has been horribly warped. The next step is recognizing this and then begin peeling back the layers of "programing" that are no longer serving us, or holding us back from our deepest desires.
We are all light and shadows. The key to healing and moving forward in your life, is embracing BOTH, bearing in mind, some may need deeper work to resolve feelings of dark energy (through counseling, therapy or whatever the individual is most comfortable with). You will be encouraged and supported to step out of the confines of your mind, learn to let go of the limiting beliefs, identify self sabotage and negative feedback loops that keep you standing still. This practice can potentially rewire your neural network - your brain and nervous system. I say "potentially", because one session isn't going to answer all the problems or questions life throws at us. It is a daily lifelong practice.
My intention with this journey is to reintroduce you to your true self and reconnect you with Source, ultimately reminding you that it all lives inside of you. This is your power and it is yours to utilize in transforming your life, to start doing the things you've been putting off and living fully in the moment. Realizing there will always be bumps in the road, but this offering comes with the tools to maneuver and heal and to tap into your highest potential, helping you to shine light in those shadows and use them as your fuel. Your power. It is within you. This is your true nature. This is your home. Welcome Home.
THE TECHNIQUE: We are going to use your breath in synchrony with beautifully, but more importantly, scientifically crafted music, coupled with the power of intention, and then exponentially increasing your vibrational energy by incorporating visual guided meditation to enhance your experience. We will begin with a journey of the mind and senses as we engage in "feeling", seeing, tasting, whatever it is that we are experiencing. Surrendering to the process is the key to reaching the most profound experiences. Be gentle and loving with yourself because your body knows when you are not. We are going to practice quieting the monkey mind, tapping into the subconscious and releasing anything that is no longer serving us.
Let's ride! Namaste,